What to expect when booking.

Getting a tattoo is fun and exciting! But let’s go over some house rules.

Booking Process

After inquiry is sent, expect a response within 24-72 hours.

Design will be discussed and if it’s a good fit, booking will continue.

Time slots will be provided. Once favored time slot is chosen, a Non-Refundable deposit is to be sent via Venmo.

Slots are on a first come, first serve bases. Time slots cannot be held.

Deposits are $100. Have deposits ready, time slots cannot be held. Deposit will go towards the tattoo total.

Appointment is confirmed once deposit is sent.


$350 minimum/Flat Rate

All projects priced per design. Rate will be provided during email consultation.

Group Appointments

Minimum rate of $350, applies per person in group. Dependent on design, rate will differ.

Touch Ups

One touch up will be free within the first year of getting the tattoo.

Tattoos on fingers/hands, feet, and ears (cartilage or lobe) will have a fee for touch ups.

Touch ups on these areas can start from $75 and up (depending on the size of the design)

Why to they fade faster?

Skin generates more rapidly in those areas. There is more exposure to sun. We use these areas more and they are constantly moving.

Due to the nature of these tattoos, touch ups can be needed sooner or more than the usual tattoo because of this there will be a minimum charge for touch ups.

Can I see the design before the appointment?

Reviewing the design will be done during the appointment. Edits, adjustments, and changes can be made then.

How does the Non-Refundable deposit work?

The deposit is Non-Refundable. It will go towards the appointment total.


If informed 48 hours prior to appointment, deposit is still valid and will go towards new appointment. New appointment will need to be made when rescheduling was notified. Deposit can only be transferred once.

If informed less than 48 hours of appointment, deposit will be lost. New deposit will be needed for new appointment.


Guests are welcome to come, there is also a lounge area.


Deposit will be lost if appointment is cancelled.

Late Arrivals

Please notify by email as soon as possible. If no notification is made, after 30 minutes - hourly timing will start. If flat price was given, there will be a late fee added to final price.

Communicate please.

No Shows

Please do not do this.

If a ‘No Show’ occurs, client will be added to a black list. No future bookings will be made.

Notify right away via email if the appointment needs to be cancelled.