How to take care of your tattoo before & after?

Fine line tattoos are beautiful, but require your skin to be in its best condition.


Your skin must be in its best condition.

What to do before hand?

Moisturize, start doing this 1-2 weeks prior to your appointment.

What NOT to do?

Get a sunburn, this goes for any type of tattoo. The skin cannot be touched in that condition.



Hydrate your body. Eat a healthy and full meal. Bring snacks!


Drink the day before, day of, day after. Take ibuprofen.

Take any drugs day before, day of, day after.

After Your Appointment

Rest & relax. Your body has went through a lot during the session, treat it well!

Second Skin

Second Skin will be applied after our appointment. Unless allergies are known.

In 3-5 days, Second Skin will be taken off and moisturize it with Non-Scented lotion or Aquaphor.

Apply a LIGHT amount over the tattoo, the tattoo should NOT look wet. If you drown the tattoo, it will take longer to heal.

Moisturize your tattoo in the morning and night.

In about 2 weeks, your tattoo will be 80%-100% healed.

If the tattoo is still pealing, it is still healing.

While healing, DO NOT:

Go swimming. Submerge the tattoo in the ocean. Work out.